
Mercenary Alert

The troops have landed! Check out Callgrim's latest assault at www.callgrim.com. Congratulations Jesse! This is the best release yet!


  1. Woo Hoo! Those are some great
    looking Callgrim figures on
    sale. I'm so happy to have
    been able to pick up the
    original Callgrim also
    since I missed it the
    first time it was on
    sale. I picked one
    up from John Kent
    earlier and now
    another one in
    my collection
    is a treat!

  2. KILL!! KILL!!! KILL!!
    Callgrim rules the universe!

  3. When there´s one cool combination it´s your tooled toys, Matt, and the great ol´heavy metal influenced art Jesse is producing! Wow! You guys make such a good dream team! looking forward until october!
